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Gaining Employee
Buy-in and Empowering Communication

Hive has become an indispensable tool for WCF, helping them build a thriving work environment centred around transparency, trust, and continuous improvement.

250 - 500 Employees
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The overview

Employee owned WCF has successfully transformed its employee engagement and communication practices through Hive Surveys and employee feedback. They have gained a deeper understanding of their employees’ needs and experiences, resulting in improved engagement, enhanced communication, and strengthened collaboration across the organisation.

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What brought them to Hive?

WCF, a group of diverse businesses, sought a platform that would cater to the needs of all its entities. Their primary goal was to gain a comprehensive understanding of their employees’ sentiments
 and experiences.

They found Hive, a solution for employee feedback, which proved instrumental in revolutionising their employee engagement and communication strategies.

With the commitment to take action based on survey results, they aimed to address historical communication challenges, and create a thriving organisational culture.

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WCF Jane Earley

“Monthly "Hive meetings" became a pivotal practice, focusing on key business topics derived from survey scores and feedback. These meetings, conducted in a board meeting style, provided a platform for employee owners to actively engage in strategy discussions, share feedback, and witness tangible progress.”

Jade Earley – General Manager

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Gaining employee buy-in and introducing Hive

In launching the concept of Hive within the organisation, fostering engagement and securing buy-in were paramount amongst employees. The prevailing concern stemmed from past experiences where initiatives were introduced but never acted upon.

 Recognising this, Jade, General Manager at WCF, made a resolute commitment to her team members. She assured them that, in requesting their valuable input through surveys, she would take tangible steps to address their concerns and effect meaningful change.

Timely implementation and user-friendly

WCF started with baseline surveys, which offered a fresh and unique approach compared to previous attempts. Hive’s user-friendly platform facilitated smooth navigation and quick adoption by the team. Timely rollout and positive user experiences further cemented Hive’s success at WCF. 

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Driving engagement and transparency

To ensure effective communication and feedback, WCF had Hive People Science support to segment the vast amount of information received during the annual survey. WCF then created three key themes relevant to their guiding principles. Monthly calls were opened to employees at all levels, fostering engagement and allowing valuable input on ongoing business matters. WCF experienced significant wins by addressing survey results and openly acknowledging progress, creating a culture of open dialogue and transparency.

Measuring Success and continuous improvement

Hive enabled WCF to obtain timely and actionable insights, replacing manual data collation and review processes. Presentation-ready reports from Hive simplified data sharing and facilitated communication across the organisation. 

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WCF Jane Earley

“The supportive and helpful team at Hive played a vital role in analysing and presenting feedback presentations, ensuring a smooth implementation and ongoing success.”

Jade Earley – General Manager

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Achieving goals and improving communication

With Hive, WCF achieved their goals of better understanding their employees, improving engagement, and enhancing communication. The platform allowed them to delve deeper into areas of strength and improvement, fostering a stronger connection with their workforce. The fear of missing crucial information dissipated, as WCF now had a reliable communication channel with their employees and employee owners, enabling them to better align their strategies and address concerns promptly.

Hive’s user-friendly platform and efficient data analysis streamlined WCF’s HR operations. From survey completion to result analysis, the process became quicker and more efficient. The easy-to-understand presentation of insights enabled effective data extraction and communication within the organisation. WCF noted a significant improvement in participation rates, driven by the simplicity and accessibility of the platform.

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As WCF continues their journey with Hive, they foresee even greater collaboration and continuous improvement in their employee engagement and communication strategies.

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“WCF’s impressive uplifts in eNPS and participation rates shows the true impact of what a clear and open employee experience strategy can go onto achieve!”

Gary Scowen – Customer Success Manager

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Who are WCF?

WCF is a business group based in the United Kingdom. They operate various businesses within their group, including pet and equestrian divisions. WCF has a rich history dating back to 1911 and places great importance on employee engagement and communication within their organisation.

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