The Health & Wellbeing Balancing Act

Wellbeing has jumped to the top of many organisations’ priorities recently—and rightly so. Not only is it an ethical obligation to care for your employees, but it also has a huge impact on stuff like attendance, attrition, performance and recruitment. So focusing on wellbeing isn’t just the right thing to do for your people; it’s also the right thing to do for your bottom line.

But how exactly do you “focus on wellbeing”? Well, in this short video, Hive’s Lead People Scientist, Ericka Hammond, will take you through some best practices to make sure you’re offering enough of the right support to your workforce.

If you are ready for a masterclass in how to balance health and wellbeing, all you’ll need is our worksheet for the session, download a printable PDF here

We hope you enjoyed our latest Hive Live, and keep your eyes peeled for more masterclasses coming soon.

If you can’t wait, we’ve also got loads of amazing content in our resources area, including our recently launched bite-sized thought-leadership series, Hive in Session!

Thanks for watching today’s Hive Live, we’ll see you in the next one.

Hopefully that’s given you some confidence in how you’ll approach health and wellbeing. And if you still have questions, throw them our way on